
When you ask for a quote for your Sofia airport taxi ride or our other driving services, you’ll always get an all inclusive fixed price (flat rate) for the whole vehicle instead the price per passenger. There will be no hidden taxes and surcharges.

Except for hiring exclusive vehicles or driving from other cities to Sofia, there’s no need for an online pre-payment. You can pay the driver in cash at the end of your ride.

If you are looking for the best possible price we can offer, it is best to contact us with all the ride details. It’s best to show the lowest price in a pricelist or instant booking calculator since the costs depend on many factors such as season, distance, time, number of passengers, extra luggage, extra waiting, tolls, additional addresses, and our availability overall.

Keep in mind, we are trying to keep affordable and competitive prices, although our primary goal is excellent service quality, not the cheapest price.

  • No hidden fees and taxes
  • A fixed price for the whole vehicle intended only for you or your private group
  • No online pre-payment except for luxurious vehicles and the rides which don’t start from Sofia or Sofia Airport



Mercedes e class for hire in Sofia



Bansko Vs Pamporovo

Bansko or Pamporovo, which ski resort is better?

Skiing has been closely associated with the Alps; to be fair, the experience of swerving down the slopes is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. However, as the plush 5-star resorts continually sprout in the Alps, the cost of skiing at such locations has become a premium not so many can afford.  That, in turn, has seen off-the-beaten … Read more

Sofia Transfer Team

Welcome to our website

We introduce you to our brand new website. It’s simple, fast, and easy to use. Instead of fancy design, advanced animations, and cool effects which can make a website buggy and requires a long page loading time, we made it very user-friendly. You’ll quickly find what you want in the simple nav bar or sitemap … Read more